Studies in Isaiah Part 1
Studies in Isaiah is an expositional study of the biblical Book of Isaiah. Students will pay particular attention to the historical backgrounds of this book of biblical prophecy, looking to ascertain as best as possible what these words might have meant to the original listeners in ancient Israel.
Part 1 covers Chapters 1-39
Course Description
This is a Bible course. That means that the primary text for our study is the Bible. As most of us know, no one interprets the Bible perfectly. All of us who study the Bible, try to interpret it, and attempt to teach it to others will make mistakes. That, of course, includes this instructor! I will make mistakes. I do not claim to understand this precious book perfectly. However, I am willing to be corrected. When you share your alternative interpretations, please do so with grace, mercy, and kindness! That is how we are to always teach each other, especially when we gather around God’s Word.
Required Textbooks (Not Included)
Oswalt, John. The Book of Isaiah, vol. 1 (New International Commentary on the Old Testament). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986, 1998.
Note: If this book is too much of a financing strain, then you may substitute: