Course Bundle

History of
Christianity I & II

What is the History of Christianity and Why Should it Matter to Messianic Believers?

How did the believing Jewish community of the 1st Century evolve over time to become the Christianity that we've come to know today? As a Torah observant believer in Yeshua, it is important for us to know the basic history of our faith and to understand how we got to where we are today in the Christian Church. Knowing this history will help us come to terms with the current state of the Body of Messiah and may shed some light on our responsibilities as the Greater Believing Torah Observant Community.

Join Arad, Israel based instructor, Ariel Berkowitz, in The History of Christianity, a 2-part, self-paced online course. This study covers the approximately two-thousand-year history of Christianity in its many forms. In most universities this type of class is usually called “Church History,” however, for reasons that we will discuss in the course itself, we have chosen to refer to it by the name “The History of Christianity.”


The First Century through the prelude to the Reformation in Europe.


The History from the time of the Reformation to our Present Day.

While the textbook for this course is Justo L. Gonzalez’s The Story of Christianity, a standard in most colleges, throughout these sessions, Berkowitz pays particular attention to the relationship between Christianity in Europe and the Jewish people with whom it came into contact. When finished with this course, students should be able to have a more detailed knowledge of the history of Christianity and they will be able to relate this history, in a meaningful way, to the history of the Jewish people in Europe during the past 1900 years.
George Klontzas (1540 — circa 1608), Three Church Hierarchs; St Basil The Great, St John Chrysostom and St Gregory the Theologian, Cretan, late 16th century
Ferdinand Pauwels (1830–1904), Luther hammers his 95 theses to the door, oil on canvas, 1872
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